An ESP Experiment on A Mountain-Top*

Shigeki HAGIO
Kagoshima-Keizai University


Two different sets of ESP experiment in a mountain-top situation were accomplished by the associate student members of KPC(Kagoshima-Keizai University Parapsychology Club) and Hagio. The subjects used a deck of Zener cards and Perceptron, a portable-type machine for testing ESP. Each of two experiments was accompanied by a laboratory-room ESP testing for comparison. In Experiment 1, in the Zener Card series five subjects completed 20 runs yielding the deviation +16 in the mountain-top condition on the one hand, and -7 in the laboratory for comparison on the other hand, the difference being marginal for statistical significance. (CR=1.79, P=.08). In Experiment 2, in the Perceptron series nine subjects completed 36 runs giving a score with 36 of extra chance, significant at .01 level, its difference from the score for comparison being significant (P=.05). However, we could not see a significant score/difference in Perceptron series of Experiment 1 and in Zener Card series of Experiment 2. In all, our results were supportive to the hypothesis that mountain-tops often provided a proper condition for the manifestation of psi.

Key words : ESP(extra-sensory perception), mountain-top, KPC (Kagoshima Keizai University Parapsychology Club), altered states of consciousness, Perceptron