Pure Telepathy Test in College Psychology Classes

HAGIO Shigeki

Kagoshima Keizai University


J. B. Rhine told us that a pure telepathy test should be demonstrated without a possibleeffect of precognitive clairvoyance. Hagio planned to do a telepathy test with no physicaltargets and also accompanied by no record of test targets: The subject students guessed hisESP picture images he had in mind as transforming the random number digits into them. In Test 1 in 1997 where 137 students completed their 4 runs in class, the mean score, 5.12(deviation +67), was obtained. In Test 2 in 1998 where 111 students had their 2 runs inclass, the mean score 5.13 (deviation +30) was obtained. Both tests did not yield astatistically significant score but had a positive deviation suggesting further tests for puretelepathy. However, Test 1 had a defect that the students wrote the target images in therecord sheet at the checking of their hits.

Key words: pure telepathy, An ESP test at a college class, mind to mind